HSP distinguishing marks
A few important marks of hsp:
Sensitivity has (as all things) pro’s and contra’s, but in our western, analytic society, this quality isn’t always easy to handle.
A few “negative” or shadow marks (which are felt the most when someone is not aware of his/her HSP, i.e. in their childhood):
HSPs are sensitive for subtle signals from the environment. A HSP is easily (over) stimulated, can be tensed and doesn’t take one’s ease.
Tend to a way of isolation (in bed, at home, away from other students / colleague/ a crowd of people etc.)
One is over stimulated by environment factors like conversations, music, traffic etc. A lot of people who are high sensitive declare that they are “too much open for their environment” which can lead to tiredness (by the many impressions)
It can be quite difficult to find out if an emotion is your own or from someone else near to you or even the environment.
One can have problems with planning and structuring his/her life. Putting a task for the 10th time on a priority list is a “favorite”, since there is so much to do.
Most of the time they don’t fit in the regular structures, which means that they have troubles in finding their place on this world and in this society.
“The ability to give love” and “taking care for others” are important values in a hsp life. By taking care for another (human or pet), they can take more easily distance from their own life and trouble.
The nervous system is easily over sensed (this can be done by different reasons: stress, electronic stimulation, coffee, drugs but also hypoglycemia or other food factors. In all time, the result is problems like tiredness, burnout, tendency towards isolation (to find rest for his over sensed nervous system).
A lot of hsp seem to be shy, while they are not (most of the times). Most of the hsp people are very social.
Most of the hsp are perfectionists. This is mainly a way of self-defense, since this is the “best” way to avoid disapproval or critics. They are afraid to make mistakes.
They put themselves last in line.
This high sensitivity awakens a lot of these people to search and work at these complaints, so they find ways to deal with this sensitivity. When they are a bit older, they can really integrate this high sensitivity in their lives. That’s also the reason why most of the hsp have a strong need to express themselves in artistic, philosophical or spiritual ways.
Energetic massage are very well capable to help you with awareness processes.
High Sensitive people react easily and very good at this form of massage.
Most of the times people really feel that their minds are more clear,
they can keep order in their life and work situations, which makes them less oversensed.
A couple of “positive” or development sides (When one is aware of his / her highly sensitivity).
They learn and memorize easier and more then average.
They have a strongly developed sense of righteousness.
Respect and being respected is important.
Quality of life and work is important! Money and gathering property are usually less important motivations.
Usually they have a natural disposition for spiritual and artistic matters and interest in reincarnation.
They need the time to pull themselves back from all their social life and “isolate” themselves.
They know/feel that they need it to recover themselves.
Often, they are sharing a lot of information, preferably in a “teacher” role.
A lot of these people have some sort of advising function like writers, philosophers, researchers, therapists and artists.
They have a strong sense for subtle signals and spheres in the area.
Strong empathic capacity.
Powerful awareness of who one is.
By searching for the possibilities to give high sensitivity a place, they can learn to have a good view of their own emotions.
When they have a good view of their own emotions, they are capable to heal their own old wounds, which are mainly originated in their childhood and adolescence.
By all these things, they can learn a lot more of themselves as they know now.
Álbum: raízes
Há 12 anos
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